
Reference Number Organisation Town of Parade
PAR\72938 Knocknagor Primary School 5K/10K fun run Trillick

Further Information

Date of Parade 01 October 2016
Start Time of Outward Route 12:00
Proposed Outward Route for 5K
Trillick Leisure Centre Gargadis Road
Take right onto Main Street for 0.1 miles
take a left onto Greenan Road and continue for 0.4 miles
take a right still on Greenan Road and continue for 0.3 miles
take a right onto Badoney road and continue for 0.1 miles
take left onto Effernan Road and continue for 0.8 miles
take right still on the Effernan road and continue for 0.5 miles
take right onto Relagh road and continue for 0.4 miles
take right onto Kilskeery Road for 0.5 miles
continue forward onto main st for 0.1 miles and take a left to return to leisure centre and finish
For 10K
Start from leisure centre on Girgadis Road
take left onto main street
forward on Galbally Road for 0.8 miles
take a right onto Moneygar Road and continue for 2 miles
take a right onto Rosnareen Road and continue for 1.1 miles
take a right at crossroads onto Greenan Road and continue for 1.5 miles
take left onto Effernan road and continue for 0.7 miles
take a right onto main street and continue for 0.1 miles
take left onto Girgadis road for finish
End Time of Outward Route 14:00
Start Time of Return Route -
Proposed Return Route
End Time of Return Route -
Number of Bands 0
Bands -
Expected Number of Participants 350
Expected Number of Supporters 50

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