Date of Parade |
28 April 2024 |
Start Time of Outward Route |
14:30 |
Proposed Outward Route |
The Mall East Barrack Street Scotch Street Upper English Street College Street The Mall West |
End Time of Outward Route |
15:50 |
Start Time of Return Route |
16:45 |
Proposed Return Route |
The Mall West College Street Upper English Street Scotch Street Barrack Street Goal Square Barrack Hill Victoria Street The Mall East |
End Time of Return Route |
17:45 |
Number of Bands |
4 |
Bands |
Tassagh Silver Band,Aghavilly Accordion Band,Killen pipe band,Armagh True Blues Band |
Expected Number of Participants |
800 |
Expected Number of Supporters |
0 |