Date of Parade |
02 June 2024 |
Start Time of Outward Route |
14:45 |
Proposed Outward Route |
*LOL 695 & LOL 862 with Johnston Memorial Flute Band* Conlig Orange Hall Main Street Old Bangor Road Green Lane *Joined by Cotton Pipe Band and Cleveland Memorial Pipe Band* Old Bangor Road Main Street Tower Road Tower Park Lisbane Park The Green Main Street to Presbyterian Church |
End Time of Outward Route |
15:15 |
Start Time of Return Route |
16:45 |
Proposed Return Route |
Main Street Old Bangor Roar *Cotton Pie Band and Cleveland Memorial Pipe Band will disperse* *LOL 695 LOL 862 and Johnston Memorial Fute Band will continue* Old Bangor Road Main Street to Orange Hall |
End Time of Return Route |
17:00 |
Number of Bands |
3 |
Bands |
Johnston Memorial Flute Band,Cotton Pipe Band,Clelland Memorial Pipe Band |
Expected Number of Participants |
150 |
Expected Number of Supporters |
unknown |