
Reference Number Organisation Town of Parade
PAR\101201 Limavady District LOL No 6 Limavady

Further Information

Date of Parade 12 July 2024
Start Time of Outward Route 09:30
Proposed Outward Route District Lodge 3 Bands
5 lodges & Womens Lodge
Protestant Street
Roemill Road
Roemill Gardens
as parade exits onto Irish Green Street 5 more bands and 6 lodges enter the parade
Irish Green Street
Catherine Street
As parade turns onto Linenhall Street 3 more bands and 4 lodges enter the parade
Linenhall Street
Main Street
Mill Place
Buses will be situated here and parade will disperse
End Time of Outward Route 10:45
Start Time of Return Route 17:30
Proposed Return Route All lodges and bands
Rathmore Road
Church Street
Ballyclose Street
* 1 band and lodge will filter off here onto Killane Road*
Main Street
Connell Street
at the junction of Connell Street/ Irish Green Street parade spilts into 2 seprate parades
Parade 1 turning left onto Irish Green Street
5 Bands and 6 Lodges parade will mark time outside the high school until all bands and lodges are in position
Proceed Irish Green Street
Dispersal points at Ballyquin Road and Greystone Road
Parade 2 turning right onto Irish Green Street
4 Bands
District Lodge 7 lodges plus Womens Lodge
Irish Green Street
Catherine Street
* 2 Bands and associated lodges will stop at Limavady Orange Heritage Centre for dispersal*
Remaining bands and lodges will proceed along Lisnakilly Road
Roe Bridge
Baranailt Road
Dispersal points at Baranailt Road and Moneyrannel Road
End Time of Return Route 19:30
Number of Bands 11
Bands Trench Memorial Flute Band,Boveva Flute Band,Edenmore True Blues Flute Band, Ballyquin Loyal Sons of Ulster Flute Band,Pride of Orange Ballynarrig Flute Band,Aghanloo Flute Band ,Ardinariff Flute band,Bellarena Accordion Band,Largy Flute Band,Star of the Roe Flute Band,Dungiven Crown Defenders Flute Band
Expected Number of Participants 1000
Expected Number of Supporters N/K

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